
CabRank is designed to provide drivers with real-time metrics and intra-fleet ranking in order to encourage competition among drivers to improve fuel economy and driver safety.


  • Increased Efficiency

    By shining a spotlight on driver metrics focused on fuel efficiency (e.g. MPG, time in cruise, idle time), fleets will see increased efficiency and cost savings.

  • Encourage Lower MPG (via MPG Widget)

    The MPG widget, visible to drivers while wheels are in motion, provides drivers with at-a-glance information about their instant MPG and current trip average MPG. This real time feedback helps to shape driver performance to improve fuel efficiency.

  • Fun Competition and Game Mechanics for Drivers

    Fleets can monitor performance and safety across all drivers within their fleet through customizable dashboard leaderboards. These leaderboards can be used to reward the highest ranked drivers and further incentivize their behavior.

  • Improved Safety

    By increasing awareness on safety focused metrics such as Hard Braking and Overspeed, fleets will improve the overall safety of their drivers.

  • Tablet App

    From the CabRank tablet app, drivers can view their current overall ranking within their fleet as well as their performance within each of the 5 driver metrics and their corresponding per metric rank.

  • Customizable KPIs

    Fleets can choose which driver KPIs to monitor and adjust scoring thresholds to create a customized experiencee tailored to their unique use cases.


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