
CabBrowser is a managed browser solution that offers additional control of your fleet’s tablets and devices.  Fleets can create custom buttons to quickly launch websites and other Android applications. Enable access to websites for your drivers to use. Configurable analytics including tracking and logging of requested and prohibited sites.


  • Managed Web Browser

    Fleet configured quick launch buttons allow drivers to access websites and android applications.

  • Configured via Web Dashboard

    Web dashboard enables admins to manage approved websites, approve/deny driver requests for new websites, and configure app settings.

  • Tablet’s Default Web Browser

    Tablet’s Default Web Browser - CabBrowser can be configured as the tablet’s default web browser, opening all URL links and applying configured allow list for managed access.

  • Simple Design

    Streamlined app design makes CabBrowser easy to use.

  • Instant Updates

    Changes to the website allow list are immediately pushed to all tablets.

  • Use Existing Logins

    Username and password are automatically pulled from the Platform Science tablet, eliminating the need to setup new driver accounts and manage new passwords.



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