CabChat FAQ
CabChat Dashboard
Developed for Dispatch and Maintenance users that need to communicate with drivers.
For best performance we recommend using the Chrome web browser and accepting all permission requests that are presented (e.g. notifications, microphone, video)
Dashboard Features
Drivers Tab
Searches by driver name
Driver name
Drivers are imported from Platform Science the first time they launch the CabChat app
On Call
On an active call
HOS status != driving (e.g. Off Duty, On Duty, Sleeper)
HOS status == driving
Driver is not logged into a tablet (or app is not running)
e.g. restarting tablet (or power off)
Status is updated every minute
Vehicle ID
External_ID from PlatSci if driver is connected to a truck
N/A if driver is not connected to a truck or is offline
Data Remaining
This shows the amount of data a driver has left during a given month
Showing a driver’s usage instead of total truck usage (across all drivers) so that driver performance can be measured
Equation = 1 - (Data used / data threshold)
Data used = amount of data (upload + download) used by tablet during a CabChat call (includes data used by other apps during this time)
Data threshold = arbitrary limit set for drivers within an organization
1st day of month configurable per org
Data color coding
Green = 51 - 100%
Yellow = 11 - 50%
Red = 10% or below
This field shows a driver’s current location on a map
Location is updated every minute
Field is meant to provide Dispatch/Maintenance agent with a secondary means of reaching a driver if they are unable to place a call through CabChat
Phone field is imported from PlatformScience daily
New Message
New message button creates a new message to a driver
Start Video call
Video call button opens a call window and notifies the driver that a call is incoming
Video call button is disabled if a driver’s status is Unavailable or Offline
Message threads
All current messaging threads with active messages in the last 7 days are shown
Messages older than 7 days are automatically removed
More than one message thread can exist with the same driver
Photos shared by drivers can be viewed and downloaded
Web users can share photos with drivers
New Message
Web user can search for a driver, view their current status, and start a new message thread with them
Custom reporting of CabChat metrics including total call volume, calls answered, call recipient, time to pickup, and other custom data points
Dashboard FAQ
Call window does not appear on web
Make sure you’re using the Chrome web browser
Make sure that notifications and camera/microphone are enabled in the Chrome browser settings
Make sure that no one else is logged in with the same account you are using (only one web user will ring for an incoming call)
Clear your browser cache/cookies
Can’t find a driver in the driver list
Make sure that the driver has launched the CabChat app. Only after initially launching the app, will they appear on the CabChat dashboard.
CabChat Tablet App
Developed for drivers that need to communicate with fleet staff.
Tablet Features
CabChat notifications are currently displayed to the driver regardless of what tablet app they are currently using, but they need to navigate to CabChat in order to answer an incoming call
Home Screen
Call Dispatch
Places a call to available (online, not on active call) users with the dispatch role
If more than one dispatch user is available, call assignment is done round robin
If no users are available, toast message is shown indicating no one is available and to try again later and an email is sent to all dispatch users and dashboard admins alerting them of the missed call.
Call Maintenance
Places a call to available (online, not on active call) users with the maintenance role
If more than one maintenance user is available, call assignment is done round robin
If no users are available, toast message shown indicating no one is available and to try again later and an email is sent to all maintenance users and dashboard admins alerting them of the missed call.
Links to messages page
Links to contacts page
Links to settings page
All current message less than 7 days old are listed
After 7 days, messages will be automatically removed
Shows all unread messages
Create New
A driver can send a message to any contact within their fleet
All available contacts within the organization are listed
Shows contacts that have been favorited
Shows users with the dispatch role
Shows users with the maintenance role
Contact details
Shows available contact details including phone number
Enable permissions
If location, microphone, or camera permissions were denied when app was launched, they can be enabled from this screen
This is possible until permissions have been denied twice
Permissions Enabled
This is shown if all permissions have been successfully enabled
On call screen
Call Timer
Shows how long the driver has been on the current call
Ability to enable/disable microphone
Ability to enable/disable video
Share Screen
Ability to enable/disable screen sharing
End Call
If you have additional questions please contact us at